Educational Must Have Items

Dermatopathology is a specialized branch of pathology in which there has been great progress as new techniques have become available to evaluate the pathology of the skin. Many of the advances in our knowledge and understanding of the skin and the diseases that affect it have been made by people with experience of both diagnostic pathology and clinical dermatology. With significant numbers of large textbooks available, there is a need to provide practical clinical information and concise criteria for pathologic diagnosis for pathologists and dermatologists looking for up-to-date diagnostic and management options.​

Lever's Dermatopathology: Histopathology of the Skin - Twelfth Edition
Used by generations of physicians who encounter patients with dermatological diseases, Lever’s Dermatopathology: Histopathology of the Skin comprehensively covers skin disease in which histopathology plays an important role in diagnosis. The updated 12th Edition, edited by Drs. David E. Elder, Rosalie Elenitsas, George F. Murphy, Misha Rosenbach, Adam I. Rubin, John T. Seykora, and Xiaowei Xu, maintains the proven, clinicopathologic classification of cutaneous disease while incorporating a “primer” on pattern-algorithm diagnosis. It features larger images throughout, as well as thoroughly revised content with new diseases and new information on pathophysiology and molecular pathogenesis—all in an easy-to-navigate, highly readable format.

Dermatopathology: Expert Consult - Third Edition
Offering a unique combination of expert online lectures, vast image collections both in print and online, and an easy-to-use print atlas, Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, helps you master the complexities of this challenging and fast-changing subspecialty. Dr. Elston and his colleagues make dermatopathology easier to understand, leading you to efficient, accurate diagnoses of the most important common dermatologic findings seen in practice.

Practical Dermatopathology - Third Edition
Written from the perspective of both the histopathologist and clinician, Practical Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, allows you to search by disease or pathologic feature to quickly locate key criteria and a differential diagnosis. Practical and portable, Practical Dermatopathology is your ideal high-yield microscope companion!

Dermatology: Illustrated Study Guide & Comprehensive Board Review - Second Edition
A fully-illustrated, note-packed volume of information, Dermatology: Illustrated Study Guide and Comprehensive Board Review fulfills a real need for a single study guide for the Dermatology Board Exam. Written by a previous Chief Resident of Dermatology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, the text focuses on presenting comprehensive information in an easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember format.